Wasn’t that fun?? I hope you enjoyed this week’s extra-long comic. Next week’s will definitely be shorter because damn this one took a while to make. It was still fun though! FYI I’m still totally down to play “doctor,” ladies *nudge nudge wink wink say no more say no more*.
Speaking of The Kids in the Hall, I once ran into Scott Thompson by the bathrooms at the San Diego Comic-Con. I thanked him for being responsible for the first guy-guy kiss I’d ever seen. Hey! I just googled the spelling of Scott Thompson’s name to make sure I got it right and HOLY CRAP they just announced that The Kids in the Hall is coming back next month! What a super weird coincidence!
Also: I’m still really into Electric Six and have seen them live many, many times over the years. In case you don’t know them, this is one of their most popular songs:
Finally: Next Friday, April 22nd, is the Pancakes & Booze Art Show in Los Angeles. I’ll have some original art and prints available there for your purchasing pleasure!
💜 Sonya